The Mayans speak of Hunab Ku, the Galactic Center and Heart of the Sky, as the giver of movement and measure. The Order of Freemasonry attributes the square and compass, instruments of the architect, as its symbolic tools. By ascribing sacred meaning to forms, proportions and symbols, artists and craftspeople imbue and sanctify their creations.
In this hands-on class we will explore sacred geometry in many forms. Topics include the drawing of the flower of life, painting traditional mosaics of the middle-east, and illustrating the symmetry found in nature. Each class will explore a different topic and no two classes will be the same.
Materials will be provided. Participants are welcome to bring their own art supplies, sketchbooks and canvases.
Photos from our previous class sessions:

Leona Walker is an active member of Golden Drum and a student of Maestro Manuel Rufino learning traditional shamanic native healing ways and studying the sacred traditions of humanity. Leona has been practicing Reiki for over 15 years and received her Reiki Master certificate in 2001. Leona fuses the visual and healing arts in her mandala creations, which she publishes under the name Sacred Walker. She is a member of the shamanic sound healing group Dream Seed.