In honor of the Summer Solstice, Sacred Arts Research Foundation is swinging it's doors wide open to give you a taste of what we love the most!
In this open house you will preview our most generous offerings. Consider it an interwoven tapestry of our love, light and gratitude. We wouldn't be here without you. And none of us would be here without the Sun!
Dress to move comfortably. Bring your own yoga mat if you have one. Leave your ego, name, title, and anything else for the sun to burn up at the door.
7pm- 9pm FREE
This event will include: Community Yoga and Mantra Meditation with Amanda Capobianco Sacred Song Study led by Xango Shola and Special Guests Sound Bath Meditation with AJ Block and Jerry Walsh ( Dream Seed and Didge Project) Special Guests, surprises, laughter, tears, joy, abundance and above all, love.
*Snacks and beverages will be availible. Please stay tuned for updates via the discussion board.