Kris Kato is a Hawaiian chant practitioner who has achieved the title, Kahu Oli Lae O`o, having completed the `uniki rites of the Edith Kanaka`ole Foundation under the direction of Dr. Pualani Kanaka`ole Kanahele.
In Fall 2015, his apprenticeship with Dr Pualani Kanaka`ole Kanahele culminated with a presentation of Pagan Pride III and the Hawaiian oratory arts at the National Opera Center in New York City. Kris is the founder and leader of Hui O Kaulana Mahina NYC, a New Moon men's group for Hawai`i expats living in New York City. Kris has practiced leading traditional `awa ceremony in New York City for Hawai`i's hidden national holiday La Hoihoi Ea. Kris has danced and performed for Hui O Na Lehua Melemele and the Kumu Hula Ma`iki Aiu Lake genealogical hula tradition. In the early 2000s, Kris participated in Makahiki ceremonies on the island of Kaho`olawelll under the auspices of the Protect Kaho. Kris received his Hawaiian Studies degree from the I Ola Haloa Center for Hawai`i Life Styles in Hilo, Hawai`i. As a high school art student, Kris lead cultural preservation and historic restoration efforts for ancient sites on campus, Kauiomanoa and Wailele Spring. Born and raised in Hawai`i, Kris spent his childhood with legendary figures in the Hawaiian music scene through his producer father Nick Kato. Kris continues his Hawaiian chant practice in New York City.