A lot of what is offered in the world continuously deters us from our true nature and utmost human potential. Everyday we are bombarded and invited to take part in the illusion. Whether it is a night club, a fashion magazine, our social media accounts or our job title, we are often caught in the veil of who we think we are based on our material existence. Sadly, it often takes a catastrophe, natural or otherwise, to challenge our values, wake us up from our slumber and drive us in the direction of our spirit.
What if there were another option?
Spiritual and sacred practices offer a safe landscape where we as students can develop our understanding of a craft or skill while also gaining insight into who we are beyond a job title or place of residence. When we are in direct relationship to our self through this type of experience there is no hiding from our true nature. In fact, we gain the opportunity to go deeper into our nature because we are in contact with something even greater, our hearts and our spirits.
It is an awakening that can happen sweetly. Overtime and through consistency, we can discover and activate parts of our being that have been hidden in shadow. We can release what no longer fulfills our needs as we grow older and allow ourselves to flourish through the many phases of our existence.
In any practice we have to start at the beginning. Even when we are holding some knowledge of the subject there is always more to learn. There is always a moment where we don’t know it all. That is why starting something new can be so scary and also why it is healthy to continue to study, take risks and explore new realms in life. After all, how do you know if you are a singer if your don’t try singing, a painter if you don’t try painting, a healer if you don’t try healing? As we grow older and carry our hearts as students of the divine we are blessed with flexibility, self acceptance and courage to continue to reinvent our lives well into our maturity as elders on the Earth.
When we learn a new instrument, art form or sacred practice we carry that with us for as long as we continue to nourish that relationship. How are you challenging yourself to grow? What skills are are you currently developing and are those practices engaging your heart center?
Here at SARF we offer a supportive environment for you to explore what it means to carry knowledge of the sacred, be it ancestral songs, instrumental techniques or astrological meditations. We invite you to awaken and eradicate the veil of illusion forever.